New Animation · 03. November 2018
It sounds so easy, but it's so, so evil.

Thoughts · 25. September 2018
Or, "What I did over my summer vacation."

Thoughts · 28. June 2018
What my green bean plant taught me about life.

Thoughts · 08. April 2018
Fool's Gold, Tumbleweeds, and the lack of a Hunky Pool Boy.

New Animation · 26. March 2018
Attempting to answer one of life's great mysteries. What came first?

New Animation · 18. February 2018
My latest short and what happens when you don't sketch out your character designs.

Thoughts · 07. February 2018
They are there for a reason. Please use them.

Thoughts · 02. January 2018
A little bit about why I do what I do. Also, I am not a criminal.

New Animation · 24. December 2017
Halloween... Halloween... Halloween... CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts · 03. December 2017
The Pros and Cons of taking pictures outdoors.

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